Spiegelau Fine Crystal Glassware
When it comes to top-quality glassware, customers in the international hospitality industry are the most demanding. Spiegelau combine their experience and spirit for
innovation with their market knowledge in an unparalleled manner to meet customers varied demands like no other supplier in the market
Five hundred years of expertise in glassware
Having more than five centuries’ experience in the production of high-quality glassware is an impressive advantage, yet it is only the foundation of their daily work at Spiegelau.
Providing their customers with a broad range of premium glasses requires more than production skills and product quality in the traditional sense. They optimize every single glass product to meet the highest standards in terms of functionality and aesthetics and they employ cutting-edge industrial processes to guarantee a high level of durability, instant availability, and attractive pricing. With their high-quality standards and strict controls, they ensure the satisfaction for their customers – at the restaurant and at home.
Glass is a fascinating material. Not only does it fulfil a practical purpose but there are so many other ways in which glass enriches our life. It is brilliant, it reflects and refracts light and has a satisfying sound when glasses are clinked. Still further, specific glass shapes and a high-quality glass surface, through the use of pure raw materials, enhance the aromas and taste of beverages.
Glass composition
The degree to which a glass can offer all of these benefits depends to a great extent on the type of glass used and the characteristics of the ingredients.
Standard Glass consist of sand, lime (an alkaline earth oxide), Sodium or Potassium oxides. Spiegelau Crystal glass has the same ingredients plus a certain percentage of metal oxide. These ingredients will be melted at approx. 1500°C and in later steps formed to the desired product.
Spiegelau glasses are all made of lead-free Crystal glass. The highest quality of the Crystal ingredients makes the Spiegelau products more durable, dishwasher safe, break resistant and also more brilliant than other glasses made with cheaper glass compositions.